When will an insurance company waive a deductible? Assuming a person has full coverage on an auto policy most companies will waive a deductible for minor glass repairs(less than size of $1.00 bill). I've heard of companies waiving a collision deductible if an auto accident occurs with both cars having SAME insurance company. Some companies who insure both auto and home policies may waive the lower deductible if a single loss damages both auto and home(i.e.Tree falls on garage damaging garage and car inside it). Other than these examples, it is rare a company will waive a deductible. The reason is deductibles come in all sizes on an auto policy: $100, $250, $500 and $1000. If you feel glass claim is very likely simply obtain a $100 or $250 deductible on the Comprehensive. Hope this helps, and further questions please contact the Flanigan Insurance Agency at 314-727-6000.
Posted Wednesday, September 02 2015 9:38 AM
Tags : Flanigan Insurance Agency, Waive Deductible, Comprehensive
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