Most insurance companies will not permit an auto or home policy to carry a limit over $500,000. This is why an umbrella policy was created. Typically, the Personal Umbrella policy is available from the insurance company who writes your auto policy in the amount of 1 or 2 million.
An umbrella policy provides $1,000,000 liability limit over and above your Auto(s), Home(s) and any other licensed items such as:
Motorcycles, ATV, Recreation Vehicles(RV), Watercraft/Boat/PWC.
The annual cost depends on the # of autos, properties and drivers with an additional charge for drivers under 25 yrs old.
Not everyone is eligible for an umbrella policy. Typically, it takes a good driving record and, at all times, you must maintain MINIMUM auto liability limits of 250/500/250 or $500,000(CSL). The home policy must maintain a minimum liability limit of $300,000. In other words, a person can not take out state minimum auto liability limits and request an umbrella. This is another reason the company writing the umbrella needs your auto policy. I do have access to an insurance company willing to write a stand-a-lone umbrella policy, provided the previously mentions limits are kept.
If you meet this criteria please request a quote for an Umbrella policy.